Table of Contents
- ModuleInstaller
- Module installer interface.
- Cli
- CLI class.
- Config
- Load config files from /config folder from main application or modules in each environment that was set in the /public/index.php file.
- Container
- Dependency injection container.
- BaseConsole
- Base console (CLI) class.
- Constants
- Module CLI.
- Module
- Module CLI.
- Phinx
- Phinx CLI
- Storage
- Storage CLI.
- BaseController
- BasedController class.
- DefaultController
- DefaultController
- E404Controller
- Error 404 controller.
- E405Controller
- Error 405 controller.
- BaseModel
- Base model DB.
- ArrayUtil
- Array utilities class.
- Logger
- DB Logger class.
- Statement
- DB statement class.
- Db
- Database class that is working on PDO.
- FileSystem
- Works about files and folders.
- Form
- Form class.
- Input
- Input class.
- Logger
- Log class that is working on monolog.
- Profiler
- Profiler class that extends Rundiz\Profiler\Profiler.
- Url
- URL class.
- Xml
- XML class.
- ErrorHandler
- Error handler for the framework.
- I18n
- I18n or internationalisation for the framework.
- Profiler
- Profiler or benchmark the application.
- RemoveTrailingSlash
- Remove trailing slash from the URL by redirect it.
- Modules
- Modules class.
- Router
- Router class.
- Views
- Views class.
- str_contains() : bool
- Performs a case-sensitive check indicating if needle is contained in haystack.
Performs a case-sensitive check indicating if needle is contained in haystack.
str_contains(string $haystack, string $needle) : bool
- $haystack : string
The string to search in.
- $needle : string
The substring to search for in the haystack.
Return values
bool —Returns true if needle is in haystack, false otherwise.