RdbAdmin Module

in package

Log class that is working on monolog.


Table of Contents


$Config  : Config
$Container  : Container
$donotLogLevel  : int
$logEnabled  : bool
$logLevel  : int
$logLevelName  : string


__construct()  : mixed
Logger class constructor.
write()  : bool
Write the message to log file.
getLogger()  : Logger|null
Get Logger class with specified channel.
setLogLevelNameAndNumber()  : mixed
Set log level name (readable such as debug, info, etc...) and number from `\Monolog\Logger::CONSTANT`.



protected int $donotLogLevel = 0

Do not log the level is UNDER selected. 0=debug (or log it ALL), 1=info, 2=notice, 3=warning, 4=error, 5=critical, 6=alert, 7=emergency


protected bool $logEnabled = false

Log enabled or not? true = yes, false = no.


protected int $logLevel

Log level from \Monolog\Logger::CONSTANT.


protected string $logLevelName

The log level as readable name such as debug, info, etc.



Logger class constructor.

public __construct(Container $Container[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed

You can load this class via framework's Container object named Logger. Example: $Logger = $Container->get('Logger');.

$Container : Container

The DI container class.

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The options that will be override config file. The options array keys must be the same as keys in side log in app.php config file. Example: ['enable' => true, 'donotLogLevel' => 1].


Write the message to log file.

public write(string $channel, int $logLevel, string $message[, array<string|int, mixed> $context = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : bool
$channel : string

The channel such as 'security', 'db', or other. Leave blank to use default channel.

$logLevel : int

The log level as integer. 0=debug, 1=info, 2=notice, 3=warning, 4=error, 5=critical, 6=alert, 7=emergency

$message : string

The message that will be write to log file. See https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/blob/master/doc/message-structure.md for more information.

$context : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The array data that will be passed with the message or it can be just additional data.

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The options for this method in associative array. Available options: dontLogProfiler (bool).

Return values

Return true or false wether the record has been processed.


Get Logger class with specified channel.

protected getLogger(string $channel, int $logLevel) : Logger|null

If log level is lower than donotLogLevel configuration then it will return null.

$channel : string

The channel name.

$logLevel : int

The log level as integer. 0=debug, 1=info, 2=notice, 3=warning, 4=error, 5=critical, 6=alert, 7=emergency

Return values

Return Logger object or null.


Set log level name (readable such as debug, info, etc...) and number from `\Monolog\Logger::CONSTANT`.

protected setLogLevelNameAndNumber(int $logLevel) : mixed
$logLevel : int

The log level number.

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