Table of Contents
- CronJobs
- Cron jobs interface.
- ModuleAdmin
- Module admin interface.
- Plugins
- Plugins interface that any plugin file must be implemented to work.
- CreateAdminController
- RdbAdmin create an admin controller CLI.
- CreateModule
- RdbAdmin create a module CLI.
- Cron
- Cron CLI.
- BruteForceLoginPrevention
- Brute-force attack on login prevention.
- LoginSubController
- Description of Login
- MenuItems
- Menu items class.
- AdminBaseController
- Admin base controller.
- CronController
- Cron job page controller.
- ForgotLoginPassController
- Forgot login, password controller.
- IndexController
- Admin main page controller.
- LoginController
- Login page controller.
- LogoutController
- Logout page controller.
- ActionsController
- Modules actions controller.
- AssetsController
- Module's assets controller.
- PublishController
- Publish module's assets controller.
- ModulesController
- Modules management controller.
- ActionsController
- Plugins actions controller
- PluginsController
- Plugins controller.
- EditController
- Edit permission controller
- PermissionsController
- Permissions controller.
- RegisterController
- Register page controller.
- ActionsController
- Bulk actions roles controller.
- AddController
- Add role controller.
- EditController
- Edit role controller.
- ReorderController
- Roles re-order controller.
- RolesController
- Roles controller.
- FaviconController
- Favicon settings.
- SettingsController
- Settings controller.
- CacheController
- Tools page controller.
- EmailTesterController
- Tools > email tester page controller.
- WidgetsController
- Admin dashboard (admin home) widgets controller.
- XhrCommonDataController
- UI XHR common data for many pages controller.
- XhrDashboardWidgetsController
- UI XHR admin dashboard widgets.
- ActionsController
- Bulk actions user(s) controller.
- AddController
- Add user controller.
- AvatarController
- Avatar (profile picture) controller.
- EditController
- Edit user controller.
- PreviousEmailsController
- Previous emails controller
- PingController
- User login sessions - ping controller.
- SessionsController
- List login sessions controller.
- UsersController
- Users controller.
- BaseController
- Extended base controller from the framework.
- BaseCronJobs
- Base cron job.
- DeleteExpiredDcLockout
- Delete device cookie lockout list that was expired.
- DeleteExpiredLogins
- Delete expired logins cron job.
- DeleteExpiredUserRegisterWaitConfirm
- Delete expired users that was added or register and wait for confirmation by the link in email.
- DeleteFailedLogins
- Delete failed logins log.
- DeleteOldLogs
- Delete old logs that was created more than n days.
- DeleteSoftDeleteUsers
- Delete the users that was mark as soft delete.
- OnceADayJobs
- Cron jobs that run once a day.
- AntiBot
- Anti robot class to prevent spam.
- Assets
- Assets class.
- Cache
- Cache class.
- Cookie
- Cookie class.
- Cron
- Cron class.
- Csrf
- CSRF protection class.
- DataTablesJs
- DataTables class that work with (JS).
- Email class.
- Encryption
- Encryption class for encrypt/decrypt that works between programming languages.
- Apcu
- Extended Rundiz\SimpleCache\Drivers\Apcu class.
- Memcache
- Extended Rundiz\SimpleCache\Drivers\Memcache class.
- Memcached
- Extended Rundiz\SimpleCache\Drivers\Memcached class.
- Apcu
- Extended Rundiz\SimpleCache\Drivers\Apcu class.
- Memcache
- Extended Rundiz\SimpleCache\Drivers\Memcache class.
- Memcached
- Extended Rundiz\SimpleCache\Drivers\Memcached class.
- SlimGuard
- Extended Slim Guard class.
- Gravatar
- Gravatar class.
- Input
- Input class.
- Languages
- Languages class that work as connector to Packagist vendor's class.
- Modules
- Modules class.
- Plugins
- Plugins class.
- RdbaString
- String class. (String class name is reserved, see for more details.)
- FilterOnlyDir
- SPL filter iterator.
- SortableIterator
- SortableIterator applies a sort on a given Iterator.
- APIAccess
- Check settings for limited access REST API or not, if yes then validate the API key.
- ValidDomain
- Check for valid domain or not, if not then redirect to the domain entered in config DB.
- ConfigDb
- Config DB model.
- UserFieldsDb
- User fields DB model.
- UserLoginsDb
- User logins DB model.
- UserPermissionsDb
- User permissions DB.
- UserRolesDb
- User roles DB model.
- UsersDb
- Users DB model.
- UsersRolesDb
- Users roles DB model.
- ModuleAdmin
- The module admin class for set permissions, menu items.
- ModuleAssets
- Module assets data.
- AssetsTrait
- Module's assets trait.
- PluginsTrait
- Plugins trait.
- ModulesTrait
- Modules trait.
- PermissionsTrait
- Permissions trait.
- RolesTrait
- Roles trait.
- CommonDataTrait
- UI trait for use between admin controllers.
- SessionsTrait
- User login sessions trait.
- UsersEditingTrait
- Users editing trait.
- UsersTrait
- Users trait.
- CacheFileTrait
- Build cache data for model.
- MetaFieldsTrait
- Working with create/read/update/delete meta fields tables.
- rdbaGetDatetime() : string
- Get date/time value from UTC date/time to specific time zone.
- renderAlertHtml() : string
- Render RDTA alert box.
- renderBreadcrumbHtml() : string
- Render breadcrumb list without `<ul>` and `</ul>` due to it is already in **mainLayout_v.php** file.
- renderFaviconHtml() : string
- Render favicon HTML.
- __() : string
- Translates a string.
- d__() : string
- Translates a string.
- dn__() : string
- Plural version of gettext.
- dnp__() : string
- Plural version of pgettext.
- p__() : string
- Translate with context.
- dp__() : string
- Translate with context.
- n__() : string
- Plural version of gettext.
- np__() : string
- Plural version of pgettext.
- esc__() : string
- Get translation text from `__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_d__() : string
- Get translation text from `d__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_dn__() : string
- Get translation text from `dn__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_dnp__() : string
- Get translation text from `dnp__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_dp__() : string
- Get translation text from `dp__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_n__() : string
- Get translation text from `n__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_np__() : string
- Get translation text from `np__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- esc_p__() : string
- Get translation text from `p__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
- noop__() : string
- Noop, marks the string for translation but returns it unchanged.
Get date/time value from UTC date/time to specific time zone.
rdbaGetDatetime(string $gmtDatetime[, string $timezone = '' ][, string $format = '%e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %z' ]) : string
- $gmtDatetime : string
The GMT or UTC date/time.
- $timezone : string = ''
PHP time zone value.
- $format : string = '%e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %z'
Date/time format for use in
Return values
string —Return formatted date/time to specific time zone.
Render RDTA alert box.
renderAlertHtml(string|array<string|int, mixed> $content[, string $alertClass = '' ][, bool $dismissable = true ]) : string
- $content : string|array<string|int, mixed>
The alert content.
- $alertClass : string = ''
RDTA alert class. Accept 'success', 'error', 'info' anything else will be 'alert-warning'.
- $dismissable : bool = true
Set to
to make it dismissable,false
to unable to dismiss.
Return values
string —Return rendered RDTA alert element.
Render breadcrumb list without `<ul>` and `</ul>` due to it is already in **mainLayout_v.php** file.
renderBreadcrumbHtml(array<string|int, mixed> $breadcrumb) : string
- $breadcrumb : array<string|int, mixed>
The breadcrumb array. The keys are:
Text of each link.
Link of each breadcrumb.
Return values
Render favicon HTML.
renderFaviconHtml(Container $Container, string $faviconPath) : string
- $Container : Container
- $faviconPath : string
Return values
Translates a string.
__(string $msgid) : string
- $msgid : string
String to be translated
Return values
string —translated string (or original, if not found)
Translates a string.
d__(string $domain, string $msgid) : string
- $domain : string
Domain to use
- $msgid : string
String to be translated
Return values
string —translated string (or original, if not found)
Plural version of gettext.
dn__(string $domain, string $msgid, string $msgidPlural, int $number) : string
- $domain : string
Domain to use
- $msgid : string
Single form
- $msgidPlural : string
Plural form
- $number : int
Number of objects
Return values
string —translated plural form
Plural version of pgettext.
dnp__(string $domain, string $msgctxt, string $msgid, string $msgidPlural, int $number) : string
- $domain : string
Domain to use
- $msgctxt : string
- $msgid : string
Single form
- $msgidPlural : string
Plural form
- $number : int
Number of objects
Return values
string —translated plural form
Translate with context.
p__(string $msgctxt, string $msgid) : string
- $msgctxt : string
- $msgid : string
String to be translated
Return values
string —translated plural form
Translate with context.
dp__(string $domain, string $msgctxt, string $msgid) : string
- $domain : string
Domain to use
- $msgctxt : string
- $msgid : string
String to be translated
Return values
string —translated plural form
Plural version of gettext.
n__(string $msgid, string $msgidPlural, int $number) : string
- $msgid : string
Single form
- $msgidPlural : string
Plural form
- $number : int
Number of objects
Return values
string —translated plural form
Plural version of pgettext.
np__(string $msgctxt, string $msgid, string $msgidPlural, int $number) : string
- $msgctxt : string
- $msgid : string
Single form
- $msgidPlural : string
Plural form
- $number : int
Number of objects
Return values
string —translated plural form
Get translation text from `__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc__(string $original) : string
- $original : string
The message to translate.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `d__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_d__(string $domain, string $original) : string
- $domain : string
The text domain.
- $original : string
The message to translate.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `dn__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_dn__(string $domain, string $original, string $plural, float|int|string $value) : string
- $domain : string
The text domain.
- $original : string
The singular message.
- $plural : string
The plural message.
- $value : float|int|string
The number (e.g. item count) to determine the translation for the respective grammatical number.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `dnp__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_dnp__(string $domain, string $context, string $original, string $plural, float|int|string $value) : string
- $domain : string
The text domain.
- $context : string
The context message to describe what is this message about.
- $original : string
The singular message.
- $plural : string
The plural message.
- $value : float|int|string
The number (e.g. item count) to determine the translation for the respective grammatical number.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `dp__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_dp__(string $domain, string $context, string $original) : string
- $domain : string
The text domain.
- $context : string
The context message to describe what is this message about.
- $original : string
The singular message.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `n__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_n__(string $original, string $plural, float|int|string $value) : string
- $original : string
The singular message.
- $plural : string
The plural message.
- $value : float|int|string
The number (e.g. item count) to determine the translation for the respective grammatical number.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `np__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_np__(string $context, string $original, string $plural, float|int|string $value) : string
- $context : string
The context message to describe what is this message about.
- $original : string
The singular message.
- $plural : string
The plural message.
- $value : float|int|string
The number (e.g. item count) to determine the translation for the respective grammatical number.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Get translation text from `p__()` function and then escape using `htmlspecialchars()` with `ENT_QUOTES` flag.
esc_p__(string $context, string $original) : string
- $context : string
The context message to describe what is this message about.
- $original : string
The singular message.
Return values
string —Return translated text with escaped html.
Noop, marks the string for translation but returns it unchanged.
noop__(string $original) : string
- $original : string