RdbAdmin Module

in package

Assets class.

To use Assets class, you have to call these methods by order.

  1. addAsset(), addMultipleAssets(). You can use one of these methods but no need to call them all.
  2. If you want to add more inline style or JavaScript please call addCssInline(), addJsInline().
  3. If you want to add JS object (to access them easily in JSON format) please call addJsObject().
  4. In the views page call to renderAssets().
    That's all the basic usage.

Table of Contents


$addedAssets  : array<string|int, mixed>
$assetsSorted  : array<string|int, mixed>
$addedAssets  : array<string|int, mixed>
$assetsSorted  : array<string|int, mixed>
$Container  : Container


__construct()  : mixed
Class constructor.
__get()  : mixed
Magic get.
addAsset()  : mixed
Add an asset to the queue by type.
addCssInline()  : mixed
Add in-line stylesheet to extend current css file.
addJsInline()  : mixed
Add in-line JavaScript to extend current js file.
addJsObject()  : mixed
Add JavaScript object for use the data between js and php such as translation text.
addMultipleAssets()  : mixed
Add multiple assets at once to the queue by type.
assetIs()  : bool
Check that if asset is ...(action)... Example: check if asset is already "added" or "printed".
clear()  : mixed
Clear any added assets and begins again.
mergeAssetsData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Merge selected type of assets data.
removeAsset()  : mixed
Remove the added asset from specified handle name.
renderAssets()  : string
Render the assets into HTML elements.
addMissedDependencies()  : mixed
Automatically add missed dependencies.
generateAssetUrlWithVersion()  : Return
Generate asset URL with ?v=version_number append.
generateAttributes()  : string
Generate HTML attributes by filter out disallow attributes.
generateInlineScript()  : string
Generate in-line JavaScript.
generateInlineStyle()  : string
Generate in-line stylesheet.
generateJsObject()  : string
Generate JavaScript object.
getDependencyExists()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Check and separate dependencies into exists and not exists.
topologicalSort()  : mixed
Topological sort the assets by type (js, css).
verifyType()  : string
Verify asset type.
renderAssetCss()  : string
Render individual asset (CSS).
renderAssetJs()  : string
Render individual asset (JS).


$addedAssets read-only

public array<string|int, mixed> $addedAssets

Contain the associative array with js, css keys and its asset files that was added.

$assetsSorted read-only

public array<string|int, mixed> $assetsSorted

Contain the associative array with css, js keys and its value is boolean for checking before do topological sort.


protected array<string|int, mixed> $addedAssets = ['css' => [], 'js' => []]

Contain the associative array with js, css keys and its asset files that was added.


protected array<string|int, mixed> $assetsSorted = ['css' => false, 'js' => false]

Contain the associative array with css, js keys and its value is boolean for checking before do topological sort.


protected Container $Container



Class constructor.

public __construct(Container $Container) : mixed
$Container : Container

The DI container class.


Magic get.

public __get(string $name) : mixed
$name : string


Add an asset to the queue by type.

public addAsset(string $type, string $handle, string $file[, array<string|int, mixed> $dependency = [] ][, string|bool $version = true ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = [] ][, string|null $group = null ]) : mixed
$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$handle : string

The handle name of the asset. It must be unique to prevent overriding and duplication.

$file : string

The URL to file, it can be full URL or just relative path.
If the file has special characters, it should be rawurlencode() before calling this.

$dependency : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array of added asset handles that this asset is depend on.
The css and js dependency cannot be cross type.
This class is not support cross group dependency yet.

$version : string|bool = true

The version number to added to the query string of this asset URL. If false means no version is added.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array of HTML attributes for this asset. Do not add id attribute because it will be auto generated.

$group : string|null = null

The group name. This can be helped when you want to render the assets by group.


Throw the errors if invalid argument is specified.


Add in-line stylesheet to extend current css file.

public addCssInline(string $handle, string $data) : mixed

You have to escape anything that should not be HTML by yourself before add to data.

$handle : string

The handle name of exists css file.

$data : string

The stylesheet content. Do not include <style>...</style> tag.


Add in-line JavaScript to extend current js file.

public addJsInline(string $handle, string $data[, string $position = 'after' ]) : mixed
$handle : string

The handle name of exists js file.

$data : string

The JavaScript content. Do not include &ltscript&gt;...&lt/script&gt; tag.

$position : string = 'after'

Position to add this in-line js. The value is "before", "after". Please call this method after addAsset() method even if position is before, otherwise it will not show up.


Add JavaScript object for use the data between js and php such as translation text.

public addJsObject(string $handle, string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : mixed

You have to escape anything that should not be HTML by yourself before add to data.

$handle : string

The asset handle name of exists js file.

$name : string

The JavaScript object name. This should be unique to prevent conflict with others.

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Recommended use associative array where the key will becomes js property.


Add multiple assets at once to the queue by type.

public addMultipleAssets(string $type, array<string|int, mixed> $handles, array<string|int, mixed> $assetsData) : mixed

This method will add those dependencies for each asset handle automatically.

$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$handles : array<string|int, mixed>

The array list of asset's handle name that you want to add. The handle should exists in $assetsData.

$assetsData : array<string|int, mixed>

The assets data in array value. These assets will be chosen by $handles and add to the class.
The data structure will be...

                  'css' => array( // contain the asset type in array key.
                          // the array keys name in this will be matched Assets->addAsset() arguments except the type.
                          'handle' => (string)'xxx', // this is required
                          'file' => (string)'xxx/xxx/xxx.xx', // this is required
                          'dependency' => array('the', 'array', 'of', 'handle', 'this', 'asset', 'depend', 'on'),
                          'version' => 'x.x.x', // string or boolean
                          'attributes' => array('title' => 'my element title', 'data-name' => 'my data-name attribute'),
                          'group' => null, // string or null
                  'js' => array( // contain the asset type in array key.
                          // the array keys name in this will be matched Assets->addAsset() arguments except the type.
                          'handle' => (string)'xxx', // this is required
                          'file' => (string)'xxx/xxx/xxx.xx', // this is required
                          'dependency' => array('the', 'array', 'of', 'handle', 'this', 'asset', 'depend', 'on'),
                          'version' => 'x.x.x', // string or boolean
                          'attributes' => array('title' => 'my element title', 'data-name' => 'my data-name attribute'),
                          'group' => null, // string or null
             This class is not support cross group dependency yet.


Check that if asset is ...(action)... Example: check if asset is already "added" or "printed".

public assetIs(string $type, string $handle[, string $action = 'added' ]) : bool
$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$handle : string

The asset's handle name by type.

$action : string = 'added'

The action to check. The value is "added", "printed"

Return values

Return true if the selected action already did. Return false for not.


Clear any added assets and begins again.

public clear(string $type) : mixed

It will be clear by asset type (css, js).

$type : string

The asset type to be cleared. The value is css, js. Set this to empty means clear all.


Merge selected type of assets data.

public mergeAssetsData(string $type, array<string|int, mixed> ...$assetsData) : array<string|int, mixed>

The last asset data will be append to the end of previous asset data.

$type : string

'css' or 'js'.

$assetsData : array<string|int, mixed>

The assets data in array value. The array format must contain type as key. Example array('css' => array());

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Return merged assets data.


Remove the added asset from specified handle name.

public removeAsset(string $type, string $handle) : mixed
$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$handle : string

The asset handle name.


Render the assets into HTML elements.

public renderAssets(string $type[, string|null $group = null ]) : string

This will be call to topologicalSort() and then render.
This class is not support cross group dependency yet.

$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$group : string|null = null

The asset group that was specified via addCss() method.

Return values

Return the generated HTML elements into string.


Automatically add missed dependencies.

protected addMissedDependencies(string $type, array<string|int, mixed> $handles, array<string|int, mixed> $assetsData) : mixed

This method was called from addMultipleAssets() method.

$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$handles : array<string|int, mixed>

The array list of asset's handle name to check that its dependency is already added or not.

$assetsData : array<string|int, mixed>

The assets data in array value.


Generate asset URL with ?v=version_number append.

protected generateAssetUrlWithVersion(array<string|int, mixed> $item) : Return

This method was called from renderAssets() method.

$item : array<string|int, mixed>

The item should have "file" and "version" in array key.

Return values

generated asset URL. The returned value did not escape for HTML, you must use htmlspecialchars() to make something such as & to be &amp; which is correct HTML value.


Generate HTML attributes by filter out disallow attributes.

protected generateAttributes(array<string|int, mixed> $attributes[, array<string|int, mixed> $disallowAttributes = [] ]) : string

This method was called from renderAssets() method.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed>

The associative array of attributes. Example: ['title' => 'My Title', 'data-id' => 3] will becomes title="My Title" data-id="3"

$disallowAttributes : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The 2D array of disallow attribute names. Example: ['id', 'class'] so, the $attributes that contain id and class will be removed.

Return values

Return generated HTML attributes with trim spaces. The returned value is already escape attribute value with htmlspecialchars().


Generate in-line JavaScript.

protected generateInlineScript(array<string|int, mixed> $item[, string $position = 'after' ]) : string

This method was called from renderAssets() method.

$item : array<string|int, mixed>

The item should have "inline" in array key.

$position : string = 'after'

The position is "before", "after".


The classic script type should be omit by default.

Return values

Return generated in-line JavaScript.


Generate in-line stylesheet.

protected generateInlineStyle(array<string|int, mixed> $item) : string

This method was called from renderAssets() method.

$item : array<string|int, mixed>

The item should have "inline" in array key.

Return values

Return generated in-line stylesheet.


Generate JavaScript object.

protected generateJsObject(array<string|int, mixed> $item) : string

This method was called from renderAssets() method.

$item : array<string|int, mixed>

The item should have jsobject in array key.


The classic script type should be omit by default.

Return values

Return generated JS object.


Check and separate dependencies into exists and not exists.

protected getDependencyExists(string $type, array<string|int, mixed> $dependency) : array<string|int, mixed>

This method was called from topologicalSort() method.

$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

$dependency : array<string|int, mixed>

The dependencies list array.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Return associative array with exists and not_exists in keys. The array values of exists, not_exists are from $dependency list.


Topological sort the assets by type (js, css).

protected topologicalSort(string $type) : mixed

Topological sort is sorting by dependency comes before and then follow by order.
Thanks to marcj/topsort ( https://github.com/marcj/topsort.php ) to make this easy.

This method was called from renderAssets() method.

$type : string

The asset type value is css, js.


Verify asset type.

protected verifyType(string $type) : string

This is common use in many methods to verify asset type (css, js).

$type : string

The asset type (css, js).

Return values

Return the correct asset type. If incorrect then return js.


Render individual asset (CSS).

private renderAssetCss(string $handle, array<string|int, mixed> $item) : string
$handle : string

The handle name.

$item : array<string|int, mixed>

The array item.

Return values

Return rendered HTML.


Render individual asset (JS).

private renderAssetJs(string $handle, array<string|int, mixed> $item) : string
$handle : string

The handle name.

$item : array<string|int, mixed>

The array item.


The classic script type should be omit by default.

Return values

Return rendered HTML.

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