RdbAdmin Module


Module admin interface.

The interface for set permissions, dashboard widgets, menu items that will be use in RdbAdmin module.


Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
The class constructor.
dashboardWidgets()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get admin dashboard (admin home) widgets HTML.
definePermissions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Define module's permissions.
menuItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Set the menu items.
permissionDisplayText()  : mixed
Set display text for each permission page, action.



The class constructor.

public __construct(Container $Container) : mixed
$Container : Container

The DI container class.


Get admin dashboard (admin home) widgets HTML.

public dashboardWidgets() : array<string|int, mixed>

If your module doesn't have any dashboard widget, create this function and return empty array.
The return array format should be.

return [
   'Modulename.WidgetID' => [
       'rowHero' => false, // boolean - `true` or `false`. this is optional, default is `false`.
       'classes' => 'additional css class names', // optional.
       'js' => ['path/to/js/file.js', 'another.js'], // optional.
       'css' => ['path/to/file.css', 'another.css'],// optional.
       'content' => '<h1>Widget title</h1>Widget HTML contents.',
   'Modulename.AnotherWidgetID' => [
       // ... same format as above

Each main array key should begins with your module name and follow with unique ID.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Return array of admin dashboard widgets. Each array item contain one widget.


Define module's permissions.

public definePermissions() : array<string|int, mixed>

If your module doesn't want to use permission feature, create this function and return empty array.
All the permissions for your module will be define here to make it able to manage via admin page.

return array(
    'page1' => array('action1', 'action2', '...'),// page1 is for set the page name (or controller name) that this permission will be set.
        // action1, action2, and more are the actions for set that what user can do in this page.
    'page2' => array('action1', 'action2', '...'),
    // the permission page name should begins with your module system name (module folder name).
    // below is an example.
    // 'RdbAdminUsers' => array('add', 'edit', 'delete', 'list'),
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Return the module's permissions in associative array.


Set the menu items.

public menuItems() : array<string|int, mixed>

If your module doesn't want to use menu item feature, create this function and return empty array.
The menu items will be appears on admin side bar.

return array(
    0 => array(// this array index for your module should start with number 1 - 99 for before users menu, and start with number 105 for the bottom position
        'id' => 'menu-id',// the menu id must be unique.
        'permission' => array(// permissions to check. leave empty array means all users are accessible.
            // in case that you create main menu item and want to allow other module to add sub menu (now we call this main menu container),
                // leave permission empty or do not set it otherwise if permission check failed this main menu will not be displayed.
            // this example will show how to set multiple permission pages and actions for this menu item.
            // the first value in the array is permission page name the other values are actions.
            // if one of permission set (permission page name and actions), or one of permission action passed then it is allowed to display this menu and accessible.
            array('permissionPage1', 'permissionAction1'),// only 1 action for certain page.
            array('permissionPage2', 'permissionAction1', 'permissionAction2'),// 2 actions for certain page.
        ),// end permissions to check.
        'icon' => 'icon-class-name',// this is for main menu only. If use FontAwesome please add `fa-fw`.
        'name' => 'menu item name',
        'link' => '/url/to/link',

        // any other links to check as currently open for this menu item,
        // you can also use wildcard such as /admin/users/* will be match /admin/users and /admin/users/add (optional).
        // /admin/* /edit/* will be match /admin/xxx/edit/xxx.
        // links current no need to add language prefix.
        // links current is not checking for query string.
        'linksCurrent' => array('/other/possible/link/to/check/as/currently/openned', '/url/to/link2'),

        'liAttributes' => array(// array of main menu li attributes (optional). do not set id here.
            'class' => 'my-li-class my-2nd-class',
            'data-object' => 'value',
            'data-mainmenucontainer' => 'true',// this is required only if this main menu item is main menu container.
        ),(// array of main menu li attributes.
        'aAttributes' => array(// array of main menu a attributes (optional). do not set id, href link here.
            'class' => 'my-a-class my-2nd-class',
            'onclick' => 'return false;',
        ),(// array of main menu a attributes.
        'subMenu' => array(
            // sub menu items (optional). the array structure inside this is the same as you see listed above. please add only 1 level of sub menu items.
            0 => array(
                'id' => 'sub-menu-id',
                'permission' => array(...),
                'name' => 'sub menu item name',
                'link' => '/link/to/sub/page',
                'linksCurrent' => array(...),// (optional)
                'liAttributes' => array(...),// (optional)
                'aAttributes' => array(...),// (optional)
            1 => array(
        ),// end sub menu items.
    1 => array(
        // ... same structure as above.
    // ...

You can use this class/method to add new menu items (and maybe with its sub menu) to the RdbAdmin module's menu item.
You can add sub menu items to the RdbAdmin module's menu item by remove 'id' in your menu item and use the same array key as target menu.
You cannot replace, make change, delete the existing menu items (including sub menu items) via these menu data.
If the ID in main menu item is duplicated with existing menu item, it will be add after the existing one.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Return the menu items for this module.


Set display text for each permission page, action.

public permissionDisplayText([string $key = '' ][, bool $translate = false ]) : mixed

If your module doesn't want to use permission feature, create this function and return empty string.
The display text here did not translated yet.
For example: the keyword is 'RdbAdminUsers', the display text is 'Manage users' in English.
To translate into other languages, you have to use function like __() to translate them again.
Example source code and translation:

if ($this->Container->has('Languages')) {
    $Languages = $this->Container->get('Languages');
} else {
    $Languages = new \Rdb\Modules\RdbAdmin\Libraries\Languages($this->Container);
$keywords = [];
$keywords['RdbAdminUsers'] = noop__('Users');
if (!empty($key)) {
    if (array_key_exists($key, $keywords)) {
        if ($translate === false) {
            return $keywords[$key];
        } else {
            return d__('rdbadmin', $keywords[$key]);
    } else {
        return '';
} else {
    return $keywords;
$key : string = ''

To get specific display text for the permission keyword, set the keyword here and it will return readable text value.

$translate : bool = false

Set to false (default) to not translate, set to true to translate it. The translation will work only if $key argument is not empty.

Return values

Return associative array where key is permission keyword if no keyword specified in parameter.
Return string (or empty string) if permission keyword is specified in parameter.

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